We have compiled a list of resources. Books, web pages and instagram accounts that we believe can further our understanding of the environmental crisis. Read, follow and take action!
Feeding the world, climate change, biodiversity, antibiotics, plastics – the list of concerns seems endless. But what is most pressing, what are the knock-on effects of our actions, and what should we do first? Do we all need to become vegetarian? How can we fly in a low-carbon world? Should we frack? How can we take control of technology? Does it all come down to population? And, given the global nature of the challenges we now face, what on Earth can any of us do? Fortunately, Mike Berners-Lee has crunched the numbers and plotted a course of action that is practical and even enjoyable.
Humanity is in a race, a kind of civil war. On the light side, the believers in a sustainable future based on clean energy, fight to save us from climate change. The dark side defends the continuing use of fossil fuels, often careless of the impact it has on the world. Written in the style of a diary from 2013 to 2015, Leggett’s front-line chronicle The Winning of the Carbon War, tells one person’s story of those turnaround years, culminating in dramatic scenes at the Paris climate summit. This fictional prediction wasn’t so far from the actual truth. It is a reminder, as we read new words from climate books in 2020, that we have known the facts for a long time. We should have come a lot further by now, in the race to protect our living planet.
The history-making, ground-breaking speeches of Greta Thunberg, the young activist who has become the voice of a generatio
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'Everything needs to change. And it has to start today'
In August 2018 a fifteen-year-old Swedish girl, Greta Thunberg, decided not to go to school one day. Her actions ended up sparking a global movement for action against the climate crisis, inspiring millions of pupils to go on strike for our planet, forcing governments to listen, and earning her a Nobel Peace Prize nomination.
In “Rising,” Elizabeth Rush takes readers to the physical and cultural edges of the country, from the marginalized and forgotten citizens of places like Isle de Jean Charles, Louisiana, to the glass castles of Facebook and Google in Silicon Valley. As high tide and massive storms become the new normal, those at the coasts, especially those with lower incomes, will be most at risk of flooding and all that comes with it. At stake are not just coastlines; entire communities stand to lose their homes and lifestyles to climate change, becoming the first of many climate refugees.
While we’re on the subject of the choice we now face as a species, this must be the next climate book balanced on the top of your bedside tower. With rave reviews from the likes of Yuval Noah Harari, Naomi Klein, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ban Ki-moon, Jane Goodall and Al Gore, The Future We Choose is written by two of the leading forces behind the Paris Agreement, ex-UN climate chief Christiana Figueres and political strategist Tom Rivett-Carnac. Visualising two very different but viable futures, as a reader we get a jolting taste of climate reality. A world of 1.5C rise with dangerous air pollution and widespread food shortages and climate refugees, is compared directly to a world of regenerative culture, clean energy and fairer societies, thanks to rapid and deep emissions cuts. While it may come shrouded in potential doom, it’s a positive book which will leave you brimming with a renewed drive for action.
Web Pages
Grist is an online magazine which focuses on environmental news and commentary, with a humorous and ironic twist. A veteran in the environmental media landscape since 1999, Grist covers a myriad of topics from politics and business to food and climate.
A vital part of the Huffington Post, HuffPost Green explores all things ecological from breaking news to animal stories. HuffPost Green is a platform for some of the most influential people in the green world, featuring new and fascinating blog pieces each day.
Greenpeace is one of the leading organizations advocating for the environment. The independent global campaigning nonprofit works to protect and conserve Mother Earth while promoting peace at the same time.
EcoWatch is a leading online environmental news company, publishing timely stories every day for a healthier planet and life. EcoWatch informs its audience with essential science-based news on a wide range of topics including climate change, energy, oceans, animals, food, politics and health.
When ENN was started over twenty years ago, it was their intention to bring attention to the present and future environmental issues facing the health of our planet and the people it supports. Now, in a world where these issues have migrated to the mainstream, they are looking forward and asking: what more can we do to help?
Earth Alliance
Fashion Revolution
CNN Climate
UN Environment Programme