
Welcome to Time-Motion, Issue 03,

Time is the most rudimentary link between our existence and everything else. The passage of time is how we measure nearly every aspect of our lives and yet its nature remains one of the greatest conundrums of science. 

Philosophers and artists have long explored the meaning of time whilst scientists have found that its structure is different from the simplistic linear progression we utilise.

From Aristotle to loop quantum gravity, our understanding of time has undergone many radical transformations. Time flows at a different speed in different altitudes, the past and the future differ far less than we might think, whilst the very notion of the present is elusive in the vastness of our universe.

From Pulsating, to Echoed, we have created and curated a series of sensational visual essays that explore time and motion. We also have showcased the works of emerging and established artists including, Alex Charovas, Chester Hector, Connor Bell, Jake Stewart, Shy Studio and Dimitris Theocharis. Furthermore we have introduced 3 up and coming models in our Model’s Corner with photos and Q&As. 

We have been undergoing some structural changes that we hope will offer a more dynamic platform and they are as follows:

  • Our thematic Issue will be released quarterly and will remain open until our next release. This means we will continue to accept content for consideration on the current issue until we close it with the release of the next issue. 

  • The people and model’s corner sections will be autonomous meaning they will be updated independently to the thematic issue.

Do remember to have a look at the Moodboard section if you would like to Submit your work for consideration in the current or our next issue.

In the meantime we want to thank all our contributors, who have taken the time to create or have otherwise participated and joined us in the process of putting this issue together. 

We hope that our creative family will grow further and that we will be hosting a greater gamma of voices and diverse points of view.

In the meantime, we welcome you to ponder with us.

Thank you and enjoy! 




Rhys Antoni